"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
— MATTHEW 28:19 [NLT]
Baptism is intended to be an essential part of the spiritual foundation of all Christians.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, we encourage you to be water baptized! This is an important aspect of following Jesus in His teaching and His example. Water baptism is a public profession of faith, an outward expression of an inward decision to follow Jesus.
We practice baptism by immersion as was customary in the Scriptures. It offers a powerful symbolic identification with Jesus’ death and resurrection, making a statement that we are made new and being raised up to live a new life. The decision to turn from sin and follow Jesus is central to the decision to be baptized, and because of this we don’t practice the baptism of infants or younger children.
If you are interested in taking the step of water baptism and attending a brief required class that same day, please let us know by signing up below. During the class we will cover the Biblical teaching about water baptism and the logistics of how it will happen that day.
Baptism now happens once every quarter!
Join us on September 15 at any of locations!
Register TODAY and we can keep you updated on more baptism opportunities as they become available.